
新闻英语词汇――新词新译 Y

亚非会议 the Asian-African Conference

压价 force down the price

亚健康 subhealthy

鸦片战争 Opium War

压平物价政策 roll-back policy

压水花技术 rip entry

压岁钱  money given to children as a lunar new year gift

压缩开支 put down expenses; retrench

亚太经合组织经济领导人会议 AELM (APEC Economic Leaders Meeting)

亚太经合组织部长级会议 AMM (APEC MinisteriaI Meeting)

亚太经合组织工商咨询理事会会议 ABAC Meeting (APEC Business Advisory Council Meeting)

亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议 IAELM (Informal APEC Economic Leaders’ Meetings)

亚太经济合作组织 APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)

亚文化 subculture

压线(口令) Line!

亚洲共赢 win-win Asia

亚洲金融危机 financial crisis in Asia

亚洲开发银行 ADB(Asian Development Bank )

压轴戏 grand finale; last and best item on a theatrical program

烟草控制框架公约 the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

严惩 punish severely

严打措施 “Strike-Hard”” drive ”

严打斗争 “Strike-Hard Operation, campaign to crack down relentlessly on criminal activities”

严格法纪 strict enforcement of law

严格遵守合同条款 rigorous performance of contract

验关 customs inspection; customs examination

沿海管辖权 coastal jurisdiction

沿海经济开发区 open coastal economic area

研究成果 research results

研究金 fellowship

研究生毕业证/学位证 graduate diploma/graduate degree’s diploma

研究生成绩考试(美) Graduate Record Examination (GRE)

烟民 smoker

延期货 deferrals

眼前利益服从长远利益,局部利益服从整体利益,个人和集体利益服从国家利益 subordinate immediate interests to long-term interests, partial interests to overall interests and the interests of individuals and collectives to those of the state

言情小说 romantic fiction; sentimental novel

验收  check and accept; check before acceptance; check upon delivery; inspection and acceptance

研讨 study and discuss

沿途贸易  way-port trade

演绎版 demo

严以律己,宽以待人 be strict with oneself and lenient towards others

严重警告  grave warning; weighty warning

严重亏损 heavy losses

严重违约 grave breach of contract 

延长索赔期 extend the time for filing claims

验钞机 currency detector

阳春(最经济方式) no-frills

阳光产业 sunshine industry

阳光地带 sunbelt

养老保险 endowment insurance

养老金 pension

养路费 road toll; road preset maintenance fee

羊肉串小摊 barbecue stall

洋务运动 Westernization Movement

养儿防老 raising sons to support one in one’s old age

眼前利益服从长远利益 subordinate the present (immediate) interests to the long-term (prospective, or far-reaching)interests

言情片 chick-flick

摇钱树 cash cow

摇头丸 dancing outreach

药物检查 “dope control, drug testing”

药品降价 drug price reduction

亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会 the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation CEO Summit

亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议 the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Economic Leaders Informal Meeting

夜大 evening university; night university

液晶显示屏 liquid crystal display (LCD)

野猫战斗机 Tomcat

业内人士 insider

野生动物园 wildlife park; safari park

夜生活 night life

夜市 night fair; evening market

业务报表 report forms of business

业务电话 service call

业务对策  business game

业务范围 business scope

业务审计 operational auditing

业务守则 code of practice

业主 owner; proprietor

业绩报表 earning report

业界自律 industry self-regulation

野蛮女友 sassy girl

野外生存训练 field survival training

议案 bill

一般利率 normal interest rate

易爆发战争的地区 war-prone areas

一本万利 big profit with small capital

以产定人,减员增效 employ workers in accordance with production needs and increase efficiency while reducing the staff

遗传工程 genetic engineering

一次性解决问题 solve the problem once and for all

一次性筷子 throwaway chopsticks

一次性用品 disposable goods

一大二公 (concerning the people’s commune) large in size and collective in nature

一刀切 cut it even at one stroke–make it rigidly uniform; impose uniformity in all cases; allow no flexibility

异地资金汇划 fund remittance between different places

以点带面 use the experience of a selected spot(unit) to promote the work in the entire area

移动办公 mobile officing

移动电话双向收费 two-way charges for cellular phones

移动电话漫游 mobile phone roaming

移动通信运营商 Mobile telecom carrier

移动通讯 mobile communication

以讹传讹 incorrectly relay an erroneous message

依法治国 manage state affairs according to law; run state affairs according to law

以法治国,以德治国 to govern the country with law and moral

一帆风顺 Wishing you every success

一方有难,八方支援 When disaster struck, help came from all sides.

一个中心,两个基本点 one central task, two basic points

以工代赈 give people work in place of relief subsidies

以公有制为主体,多种经济成分共同发展 keep the public sector remaining dominant and allow diverse sectors of the economy to develop side by side

一棍子打死 finish somebody off with a single blow

一国两制 “One country, two systems”

义和团运动 Boxer Uprising

易货 barter

一级戒备 highest alert

一级市场 primary market

溢价 premium

溢价发行债券(以超过票面金额价发行债券) issue of bonds at a premium

意见簿 visitors’ book; customers’ book

以经济建设为中心 focus on the central task of economic construction

以空间换取时间 trade space for time

易拉罐 pop can

一揽子(计划) one-package (plan)

一揽子购买 lump-sum purchase; basket purchase

以理服人 persuade through reasoning

医疗保险 medical insurance

医疗改革 health care reform

医疗合作制度 medical assistance system

医疗制度改革 medicare system reform

(祝愿…)一路平安,一路顺风 speed somebody on their way; speed the parting guest

译码 decipher

以民为本、为民谋利 rely on the people and work for the well-being of the people

以谋略制胜 outmaneuver

一切向钱看 money-oriented

以权谋私 seek private gain through power

以人为本 people oriented; people foremost

以上海浦东开发开放为龙头,进一步开放长江沿岸城市 open more cities along the Yangtze River, while concentrating on the development and opening of the Pudong Area of Shanghai

以身作则,廉洁奉公 set a good example and perform duties honestly

以市场为导向 market-oriented

一式两联 (receipt or invoice) in duplicate

一手抓物质文明,一手抓精神文明;一手抓经济建设,一手抓民主法制;一手抓改革开放,一手抓打击犯罪惩治腐败 We must always work for material progress and at the same time for cultural and ethical progress; We should develop the economy and at the same time strengthen democracy and the legal system; We should promote reform and opening to the outside world and at the same time fight crime and punish corruption.

疑似病例 suspected case

伊斯兰抵抗运动,简称 Hamas

一条龙 big-scale-sequential coordination; a coordinated process

一头热 one’s own wishful thinking

意外风险 emergency risk; unknown risk

意外风险 emergency risk; unknown risk

以……为龙头 with…as the leading role

一窝蜂 rush to do something like a swarm of bees

义务兵役制 “compulsory military service, conscription”

义务教育 compulsory education

一线员工 worker at the production line

意向书 letter of intent

义演 benefit performance; charity performance

以眼还眼,以牙还牙 an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth

一言既出,驷马难追 A real man never goes back on his words.

义演收入 proceeds from benefit performance

抑制价格 check the price

一支接一支不停地抽烟 chain smoke

以质量求生存、求发展、求效益 “strive for survival, development and efficiency on the basis of quality”

以质量求发展 strategy of development through quality; win the market with quality products

抑制消费 control (inhibit)consumption

抑制需求 control (inhibit)consumption

以资证明 in witness whereof; in testimony thereof

意大利粉 spaghetti

医保制度改革 reform of medical insurance system; medical insurance reform

以产定销  base sales on production

遗传密码 genetic code

一次性的 one-off

一次性付清保险费 lump-sum payment

议定书 protocol; agreement; contract; compact

移动汇率 movable rate

一个萝卜一个坑 one radish one hole-each has his own work to do; there is nobody to spare

“一个中国”的原则 “one-China” principle

以公有制为主体,多种经济成分共同发展  the pattern with the public sector remaining dominant and diverse sectors of the economy developing side by side

议价商品 commodity with negotiated price

因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude

银弹外交 money diplomacy; dollar diplomacy; “silver bullet” diplomacy

引导合理消费 guide rational consumption

因地制宜,合理分工,各展所长,优势互补,共同发展的原则 proceed in the light of local conditions and in accordance with a rational division of labor, with all the regions exploiting their own particular advantages for mutual benefit and development

因地制宜,因时制宜,因事制宜,因人制宜 suit our measures to differing conditions in terms of locality, time, issue and persons involved

引渡 extradite

银根 money; money market

银根紧缩 credit squeeze

因果报应 karma

银行存单 deposit receipt

银行存折 bankbook; passbook; bank passbook

银行代收费 deposit payment at bank

银行网点 bank outlets

银行业监管体系 a mechanism for oversight and management of the banking sector

银行汇款单 bank money order

印花税 stamp duty / tax

隐患 hidden danger

引进人才和技术 introduction of foreign talents and technologies; import of foreign talents and technologies

瘾君子 drug addict; drug fanatic; narcotic addict

音频点播 AOD (audio-on-demand)

饮食疗法 dietotherapy; dietary treatment; food therapy

因特网服务提供者 Internet service provider (ISP)

隐形飞机 stealth aircraft

隐形轰炸机 stealth bomber

隐性就业 unregistered employment

隐性失业 recessive unemployment

隐性收入 invisible income; off-payroll income;side money

隐形眼镜 contact lenses

音乐疗法 musical therapy

应变措施 emergency measures

应酬 engage in social activities;have social intercourse

硬道理 “absolute principle, top priority”

婴儿死亡率 infant mortality rate

英国文化委员会 British Council of Culture

应届毕业生 this year’s graduates

盈亏责任制 the system of responsibility for profit or loss

赢利能力 profitability

影评 film review

影视歌三栖明星 tri-circle star; actor or actress popular in film, television, and song circles

应试教育 examination-oriented education system

影视文化 screen culture

硬通货 hard currency

营销  marketing

营销管理 marketing management

迎新联欢会 welcome party; party to welcome the newcomers.

硬行推销 high-pressure selling; hard selling; hard-sale promotion

英雄所见略同 Great minds think alike.

营养不良 malnutrition

营业额 turnover; volume of business

营业税 turnover tax; business tax

营业厅 business lobby

营业外收入 non-business income

营业外支出 non-business expenditure

营业许可证 business permits; charter

营业种类 lines of business

营业资金流动 operation cash flow

应用程序 application program

应用科学 applied science

盈余调节 surplus reconcilement

盈余资金 surplus fund

影子内阁 shadow cabinet

应急避难场所 emergency shelter

因公出境 outbound tour on public duty

饮水机 water dispenser (Local authorities are conducting inspections of water dispensers used in offices and other public places in response to media reports that many such machines have serious quality problems. 在媒体报道了许多饮水机有严重的质量问题之后,当地政府做出反应,对办公室和其他公共场所的饮水机进行检查。)

疫情监测系统 epidemic surveillance system

以商养文 support (sponsor) cultural activities with the profits from doing business

以事实为根据,以法律为准绳 take facts as the basis and laws as the criterion

医托 hospital scalper

意外伤害保险 accident/injury insurance

以盈余补亏损 set gains against losses

义诊 give volunteer medical consultation

用户终端 user terminal

永久正常贸易关系 permanent normal trading relations (PNTR)

用于收买官员的资金 slush fund

用多少买多少 hand-to -mouth buying

有偿贷款 onerous loan

优待券 complimentary ticket

邮递协议 Post Office Protocol (POP)

有法可依,有法必依,执法必严,违法必究 There must be laws to go by, the laws must be observed and strictly enforced, and lawbreakers must be prosecuted.

有个奔头 have something to look forward to; have somehthing to expect

邮购 mail-order

邮购服务 mail-order service

有关当局 appropriate authority; authorities concerned

友好城市 sister cities

友好大使 Goodwill Ambassador

油耗子 oil mouse

优化 optimize

优化教育结构 optimize the education structure

优化结构 optimize structure

优化经济结构 optimize the economic structure

忧患意识 awareness of unexpected development; being prepared for unexpected development; being prepared for any eventualities

优化资源配置 optimize the allocation of resources

优化组合 optimization grouping; optional regrouping

优惠贷款 loans on favorable terms

优惠的税收政策 preferential tax policies

优惠关税 preferential duty

有机农业 organic agriculture

有奖发票 scratch-and-win receipt

有奖销售 offer a premium with the sale of an item

有奖储蓄 premium savings deposit

游乐场过山车 roller coaster

有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律 “with lofty ideals, integrety, knowledge and a strong sense of discipline”

有理,有利,有节 on just grounds, to one’s advantage and with restraint; with good reason, with advantage and with restraint

有令不行,有禁不止 disobey orders and defy prohibitions

有路子 have friends in high places

邮票面值 face value of a postage stamp

有钱能使鬼推磨 Money makes the mare go. Money talks.

有情人终成眷属 “Jack shall have Jill, all shall be well.”

有声读物 audiobook

优胜劣汰;适者生存 survival of the fittest

优势产业 competitive industries

优势互补 (of two countries or companies) have complementary advantages

有识之士 people of vision

犹太人定居点 Jewish settlement

有条件的承认 conditional recognition

有条件销售 conditional sale

有条件的投降 stipulated surrender

有望夺金者 a gold medal hopeful

有息贷款 lend money at interest

优先安置 hiring preference

有线电视 cable television

有限浮动汇率 limited floating rate

有线通 cable modem

优先认股权 stock option

有效期 term of validity; period of validity

友谊赛  friendly match

右翼势力 right-wing forces

有勇无谋 use brawn rather than brain

有缘千里来相会 Separated as we are thousands of miles apart, we come together as if by predestination.

有战斗力、有说服力、有吸引力的思想工作队伍 a contingent of militant ideological workers able to persuade and act as a magnet for others

有章可循 have regulations to abide by

邮政储蓄 postal savings

邮政快件 express mail

优质、高产、低消耗 igh in both output and quality, but low in production cost

优质、高产、高效、生态、安全农业 high-quality, high-yield, cost-effective, eco-friendly and safe agriculture

幼稚工业 infant industry

优质名牌商品 famous-brand products of quality

有中国特色的社会主义道路 road of socialism with Chinese characteristics

有中国特色的社会主义民主政治 a socilalist democracy with Chinese characteristics

游资 idle money / fund; floating capital

有管理的浮动汇率制度 a managed floating exchange rate

U(优)盘 USB drive

优生优育 bear and rear better children

有条件最惠国待遇原则 Conditional Most-favored-nation Treatment

优先发展公共运输 give priority to the development of public transportation

邮政体制改革 reform of the postal service system

鹬蚌相争,渔人得利 “when the snip and the calm grapple, it is the fisherman who stands to benefit; two dogs strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it”

预备役 reserve duty

预防救治工作 prevention and treatment work

预防为主,谁污染谁治理和强化环境管理三大政策 three major principles for environment control: to put prevention first, to hold those who cause pollution responsible for cleaning up and to improve environmental protection and management

预付 payment in advance

语感 sense of language

与国际惯例接轨 become compatible with internationally accepted practices

与国际市场接轨 integrate with the world market; become integrated into the global market

瑜迦 Yoga

预加工 preparatory cut; prior operation

寓教于乐 teach through lively activities

娱乐业 show business; entertainment industry

育龄妇女 women of child-bearing age

舆论导向 direction of public opinion

舆论监督 supervision by public opinion

誉满全球 be famed all over the world

鱼米之乡 a land of milk and honey

(领导人)与民众的直接对话 town hall conference/meeting

域名(计算机) domain name (DN)

预期寿命 life expectancy

欲穷千里目,更上一层楼 “to ascend another storey to see a thousand miles further; Ascend further, were you to look farther; Would eye embrace a thousand miles? Go up, one flight.”

与时俱进 advance with the times

欲速则不达 Haste does not bring success.

预算拨款 budget allotment; budget allocation; budget appropriation; budget provision

预算赤字引起的通货膨胀 inflation caused by budgetary deficit

预算结余 budgetary surplus

预算外收入 extra-budgetary revenue

预算外支出 off-budget expenditure

预选赛 qualifying match

语音识别 speech recognition

语音信箱 voice mail

原版 original edition

原材料 raw and processed materials

原产地 place of origin

原产地保护 protection of place of origin

远程办公的员工 telecommuting workers

远程教育 distance learning

缘分 chemical, (as if by) predestination, be preordained to come together

圆寂 Parinirvana

冤假错案 “cases in which people were unjustly, falsely or wrongly charged or sentenced; unjust, false or wrong cases”

冤家宜解不宜结 Better to make friends than to make enemies.

远景规划 long-term plan; perspective long-term plan

远景计划 long-term development targets

原煤 unprocessed coal; raw coal

远期合同 forward contract

原声带 original sound tape

原始股 original issue stock

原始资本 original capital

远销国外 be sold abroad

元宵节 Lantern Festival

原油 crude oil

援藏干部 cadres sent to support/aid Tibet

圆桌会议 round-table conference

预备党员 probationary party member

预定轨道 pre-selected orbit

越境污染 trans-frontier pollution

跃居世界前列(产量) (output) leap into the front ranks of the world

越位 offside

预防煤矿生产安全事故 preventing coalmine accidents

晕菜 numb; dumbfounded

军工企业 defense industry enterprise

运球 dribble

运输机 cargo planes

运营 move and do business

运载火箭 carrier rocket

运载技术 delivery technology

语音聊天系统 voice chatting system

语音提示 voice prompt

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