

1、Intellectuals are people who believe that ideas are of more importance than values. That is to say, their own ideas and other people’s values. 所谓知识分子就是觉得主意重于价值的人,当然主意得是他们自己的,价值则只是别人的。重视自己的主意,哪怕事实上只是无聊的学舌;忽视他人的价值,哪怕事实上关乎存亡断续。感同身受最难做到,敝帚自珍人情使然。

2、The greatest intelligence is precisely the one that suffers most from its own limitations.—Andre Gide, The Counterfeiters. 绝智自苦其界限所在。低等的智慧不知道界限,因而觉得无所不能,十分可笑。不过,反过来说,不知者不忧,以为自己无所不能何尝不是一种快乐。时刻警醒界限所在,往往清醒而忧郁。

3、Every other sin hath some pleasure annexed to it, or will admit of an excuse: envy alone wants both. — Robert Burton. 所有其它的罪恶,要么附带着快感、要么总有个缘由,只有嫉妒两者都缺。嫉妒是最大的毒药,当它停留在嫉妒者心中的时候它只是啮咬其心灵;如果付诸行动陷害被嫉妒者,则还啮咬他人;如果付诸行动自强不息,――有多少这样的好事?

4、Whoever envies another confesses his superiority. — Samuel Johnson. 嫉妒即默认他人之优越。大抵每种嫉妒都是如此,即便实际上别人并无优越之处,也至少嫉妒他人的优越感。

5、Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. — Martin Luther King, Jr., “Letter from Birmingham Jail”. 任何地方的非正义都是对所有地方正义的威胁。一方面,正义是脆弱的婴儿,需要悉心呵护;另一方面,正义又是不屈的勇士,虽经重重威胁而终究并不毁灭。

6、 No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. — Aesop, Fables. 善行不论大小,从来不白费。所谓“莫以善小而不为”,古希腊版本似乎更注重功利性,告诉你善行决不会白费。

7、We must laugh before we are happy for fear of dying without having laughed at all. 为免到死也没有笑过,决不能只在开心后才笑。言语中有悲凉的意味,“人世难逢开口笑”。钱钟书在《谈艺录》前言中,甚至曾经引用典故说“欲出门西向笑而不得”。

8、Laws too gentle are seldom obeyed; too severe, seldom executed. — Benjamin Franklin. 弱法难守,峻法难行。因此,卢梭要说,制定法律简直是只有天使才能做的事情。

9、I would rather be right than be President.— Henry Clay. 和做个总统相比,我宁愿做正义。总统是一时,正义是一世而至百世,关键看选择了。

10、The person who knows “how” will always have a job. The person who knows “why” will always be his boss. 知道怎么做的人当然都找得到工作,不过知道为什么做的人总是他们的老板。这就是劳力和劳心者的区别,哪怕这个“为什么”也只不过是杜撰。

11、It is impossible to reign innocently. — Louis de Saint-Just. 清白的统治绝无可能。圣鞠斯特在宣判国王死刑的时候说了这句话,第二年他自己也被处死了。这句话似乎是一百多年后萨特作品《肮脏的手》的序曲。

12、CONSERVATIVES, n. A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal, who wishes to replace them with others.— Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary. 保守主义者,名词,醉心于现存罪恶的政治家,和自由主义者不同,自由主义者想要用别的罪恶来代替现存的。《魔鬼辞典》中对政客尖刻的批评,和李敖说的民主政治中,无非就是王八蛋和龟儿子之争有异曲同工之妙。

13、Is life worth living? This is a question for an embryo, not for a man. 生命值得么?问胚胎去吧,别问人,生命已经是现实。抛开这个前提,只能是胡思乱想。不知生,焉知死,先问生得如何吧?

14、Life is short, art long, opportunity fleeting, experience treacherous, judgment difficult. — Hippocrates. 生命短暂,艺术苦长,机会稍纵即逝,经验难以信赖,判断更是难上加难。关于人生缺憾的至理名言。

15、It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have lost at all. — Samuel Bulter. 爱过之后失去,总胜过没什么好失去。也有人因为怕失去而不敢爱,正所谓“一段情宁愿短暂精彩还是先问会不会有将来”,往往很多人为了将来,失去现在。

16、It is with true love as it is with ghosts: everyone talks of it, but few have seen it. — La Rochefoucauld. 真爱如鬼,每个人都在谈论,鲜有人真正见过。这句话让我想起亦舒的一段话,虽然似乎并不见得很有关联,却一样有精妙的比喻:婚姻如同黑社会,表面看风光无限,内里却苦不堪言。

17、Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction. 生活已经教会我们,爱并不在于相互凝视,而在于朝着同样的方向一起看出去。相互凝视只会消失双方的距离和美感,只会带来厌倦和疲惫;这样的爱因为缩小世界而扼杀爱。看出去,则是在扩大世界而壮大爱。

18、All’s fair in love and war.

All stratagems in love, and that the sharpest war, are lawful.

All policy’s allowed in war and love.

One word — frees us all the weight and pain of life: that word is love.






19、Love is the child of illusion and the parent of disillusion. 爱是幻想的孩子,爱是幻灭的父母。似乎所有精于思索的人,对于爱情都抱着类似的态度,用俗语来说,因误解而结合,因了解而分开。然而,这说的还只是某两个人之间,引言说的则是所有的两个人。

20、Yet each man kills the thing he loves,

By each let this be heard.

Some do it with a bitter look,

Some with a flattering word.

The coward does it with a kiss,

The brave man with a sword! — Oscar Wilde.








21、Of course I believe in luck. How otherwise to explain the success of some people you detest. 我当然相信运气,否则怎么解释那些可恶的家伙的成功?凡是嫉妒的人总能够找到别人成功和自己不成功的缘由,这些缘由能够包括一切,就是不包括个人努力等因素。

22、A liar needs a good memory.

He who is not sure of his memory should not undertake the trade of lying.

There is nothing so pathetic as a forgetful liar.





23、Marriage may be compared to a cage: the birds outside despair to get in and those within despair to get out. 婚姻可比之鸟笼:外面的鸟儿拼命想进来,里面的鸟儿拼命想出去。这个说法一点不新鲜,不过,外面的鸟儿是不是真的拼命想进来,却也未必。如果真的是这样,则里外都是“呆鸟”了。

24、 When two people are under the influence of the most violent, most insane, most delusive, and most transient of passions, they are required to swear that they will remain in that excited, abnormal, and exhausting condition continuously until death do them part.— George Bernard Shaw. 当两个人在暴力、疯狂、迷惑和短暂激情的影响下,他们会发誓永远保持这种情绪激昂、超乎寻常、而且让人精疲力尽的状态,直到死亡把他们分开。所谓“七年之痒”,如果痒一辈子,没有人能够受得了吧?关键是“痒”的转化,转化成什么。

25、Men marry because they are tired; women because they are curious. Both are disappointed. — Oscar Wilde. 男人结婚,为免疲累;女人结婚,纯出好奇。两者想法均落空而已。也就是说,结婚之后,男人更累,女人发现,男人都一样。结婚之为物,实在不讨人欢喜。

26、The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one. 为事业慷慨赴死,不成熟者的标志;为事业忍辱偷生,成熟者的标志。死易生难,中外一也,因此,一切试图以死解决问题的,都只是逃避,不是解决。死都不怕,还怕活着?

27、Almost every wise saying has an opposite one, no less wise, to balance it.— George Santayana. 几乎所有妙言慧句都有毫不逊色的相反说法。所以生活真的很难,你无从依据。一切只在当时的判断,一切只在命运而已。

28、God heals, and the doctor takes the fee.— Benjamin Franklin. 上帝治愈,医生收费。生死有命、富贵在天,人所能做的只不过是“略尽人事”。这句话不是跟医生做对,而是在恳求上帝尽量要多治愈。

29、Formerly, when religion was strong and science weak, men mistook magic for medicine; now, when science is strong and religion weak, men mistake medicine for magic. 从前,宗教盛行科学微弱,人们把魔法当作医药;现在,科学盛行宗教微弱,人们把医药当作魔法。人似乎总是愚昧的,把自己创造出来的东西当作了偶像,相信会有无往不利的东西,相信“一招鲜,吃遍天”。

30、To endeavor to forget anyone is a certain way of thinking of nothing else. 尽力试图遗忘某人,除了说明只想着他外,无它。最痛快的是压根就没有他的概念――花开花落、他来他去;遇合之际、融洽无隙;离别之后、春梦无迹,才是快乐之道。

31、Sigh no more,ladies,sigh no more,

Men were deceivers ever,

One foot in sea and one on shore,

To one thing constant never.

— Shakespear, Much Ado About Nothing.






32、It’s not the men in my life that counts — it’s the life in my men. 我生命中的男人并不重要,我花在男人身上的生命才重要。生命中的男人,过去之后就是过眼云烟,只留下回忆、只留下经历;花在男人身上的生命,那是我生命的流逝,是无可挽回的青春。――可以看作别具一格的女性主义话语。

33、 Woman wants monogamy; Man delights in novelty. Love is woman’s moon and sun; Man has other forms of fun. With this the gist and sum of it, What earthly good can come of it? 女人希望一夫一妻;男人总是乐见新奇。爱对女人情同日月,男人却耽别样欢悦。这番认识言尽于此,尚能指望何等善事?还是在区分“男人性”和“女人性”。不过,长久以来,人们已经搞不清楚究竟是生理造就了区别,还是心理造就了区别――但就现状来说,男人性和女人性的冲突总还是没有任何的好果子。

34、In our civilization, men are afraid that they will not be men enough and women are afraid that they might be considered only women. 我们的文明中,男人总是担心自己不够男子气,女人又怕被看作太女人气。归根结底,是因为女人的天然弱势地位,所谓“第二性”。

35、If you talk to God, you are praying; if God talks to you, you have schizophrenia. 如果你对上帝说话,你在祈祷;如果上帝对你说话,你精神分裂啦。关键在于谁听和谁说。

36、Worse than idle is compassion. If it ends in tears and sighs. — William Wordsworth. 比无聊更糟的是激情,如果结局只是眼泪和叹息。两种生活观:到底是求过程还是重结果,到底是要短暂精彩还是要一个未来。

37、When anyone remains modest, not after praise but after blame, then his modesty is real. 受到责备而非表扬之后还保持谦虚,那才是真谦虚。因为受到责备之后往往生气,生气又出于骨子里的骄傲:我怎么会错?我凭什么受到责备?

38、Money, it turned out, was exactly like sex, you thought of nothing else if you didn’t have it and thought of other things if you did. — James Baldwin. 钱嘛,说起来就像性,你没有的时候念念不忘,有的时候心怀它念。因此,没有的时候最具有欺骗性。

39、Those who have some means think that the most important thing in the world is love. The poor know that it is money. 有些财力的人总觉得这个世界上最重要的东西就是爱。穷人知道最重要的是钱。有些残酷,但是事实。《喜宝》中的母亲就教育女儿,如果有人把钱扔在地上给你,如果这钱关系到你的生活,女儿,跪在地上捡起来。

40、There are two times in a man’s life when he should not speculate: when he can’t afford it, and when he can. — Mark Twain. 人一生中有两种时机根本不用思索:当他不能支付的时候和当他能够支付的时候。及时享乐,不为将来盘算,不为忧虑盘算。


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